Ice cream with extra virgin olive oil

How to prepare a delicate ice cream with odors of lemongrass and extra virgin olive oil!

Andrea Dolciotti, Restaurant Inopiain Rome, teach us how to prepare, without ice maker, a delicate ice cream with odors of lemongrass and extra virgin olive oil.


30 gr lemongrass
400 ml milk
5 g gelatine leaves
165 gr extra virgin olive oil
DOP Sabina "The Valley" by Marcello Tesei
50 gr yogurt

How to prepare

Heat milk, sugar-free gelatin and let it boil, let it cool, add yogurt and olive oil, mix well and spread in a shallow roasting pan. Do it freeze, then, once frozen, cut into pieces and blend as if it consumes.

You will be surprised by the result: an ice cream delicate, creamy, flavored with pine nuts and olive oil.
I can not reveal how simple and absolutely practical to teach Dolciotti recipes, ingredients associated with the brackets, in a simple sequence: you can not go wrong.
Good ice cream!

